Supplying us with the correct artwork will expedite your order. If you are sending us completed artwork, please proof it before sending it to us. Corrections and modifications after the proofing stage may incur extra charges. To help avoid these extra charges please send artwork in Line-art form such as Illustrator or FreeHand. Please feel free to contact us with any artwork questions. Below are some specifications to follow if you have artwork already created.
High-quality artwork will yield the best results, and we are here to assist you. On-site computer graphic assistance is available by appointment.
Macintosh/PC Software:
- Adobe Photoshop CS
- Adobe Illustrator CS4
- Adobe Photoshop CS4
- Adobe InDesign CS4
- Adobe Acrobat Professional
- Macromedia FreeHand MX
- Quark Xpress 6.6 or 8.01
- CorelDRAW 11
Acceptable Media:
- FTP (for large files usually over 5 mb.)
- DVDs
- CDs
- Flash Drives (USB)
- Zip or floppy disks
File formats will be proofed as a .pdf format unless another format is otherwise specified. Full-sized color proofs with actual line screen display are available.
When sending files to be transferred, please include all fonts used in the document. We have the Adobe font library and the Font Company type library. If you do not include your fonts with the document that you want to be printed, we cannot guarantee that the type will not change or flow differently. Some software will allow you the option of converting fonts to outlines. Using this option allows you to send a file without the fonts.
FTP Access:
For your convenience, we also offer ftp access for your files. Please contact us to obtain a password:
User: atl-art
Password: Please contact us for the password.